Е-мейл Оргкомитета: heirs.conference.2018@gmail.com
Организаторы: History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS)
Most of the last decade saw Europe having to grapple with a string of crises that emphasised a multitude of existing cleavages within and among the European Union’s member states. The multiple an European financial, economic, political and humanitarian crises have arguably had more substantial developments and consequences in Southern Europe than in the North, with a revival of the division between the South and the North occurring in addition to the traditional East –
West divide of Europe (i.e. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus).
This internal division has its origins in the 1970s and 1980s, when a number of these new democratic regimes became members of the European Community, as part of the broad liberal ideal of making the European continent a mainstay for democracy, human rights and economic growth. The shortcomings of this ambitious agenda became manifest after the sovereign debt crisis, exacerbating many of the cleavages that had largely been ignored, but not resolved.
Веб-сайт конференции: http://storiainternazionale.it/en/cfp-european-integration-or-disintegration-deadline-for-abstract-submission-01-december-2017/