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1918 – 2018: The End of the War & The Reshaping of a Century

Опубликовано 07.11.2017 пользователем MasevaN.V

Е-мейл Оргкомитета: O.Wilkinson@wlv.ac.uk

Организаторы: Centre for Historical Research, University of Wolverhampton

This conference, hosted by the Centre for Historical Research at the University of Wolverhampton in association with the WFA and the FWW Network for Early Career & Postgraduate Researchers, seeks to spotlight the latest research on the events of 1918 as well as the global significances, consequences, and legacy of this watershed year.

Keynotes to include: Professor Alison Fell (Leeds), Professor Peter Frankopan (Oxford), Professor John Horne (TCD), Professor Gary Sheffield (Wolverhampton), Professor Sir Hew Strachan (St Andrews), Professor Laura Ugolini (Wolverhampton) & Professor Jay Winter (Yale).

We invite abstracts for 20-minute presentations fitting within the conference topic. Therein we encourage international perspectives and seek a range of historical approaches together with cross-disciplinary insights. Suggested themes may include but are not limited to:

Warfare in 1918

The War in 1918

Women in 1918

Strategy, Tactics & Technology

Victory & Defeat

Winners & Losers

Peace & (Ongoing) Conflict


Aftermaths, Legacies & Impacts

Veterans (Male & Female)

Civilians & Consequences

Gender, Class, Race & Ethnicity

Ends & Beginnings

Learning/Understanding the War

Commemoration & Memory

The Centenary

Abstracts of 250 words should be accompanied by your name, affiliation (if applicable) and a brief biographical statement (c. 100 words). Panel submissions will also be considered.

We welcome submissions from scholars, including ECRs & PGRs, as well as independent researchers, organisations, and community projects. We hope (subject to funding) to offer a limited number of bursaries to assist ECRs/PGRs & community groups to participate.

Веб-сайт конференции: http://events.history.ac.uk/event/show/16044
