Е-мейл Оргкомитета: conference.management@freeler.nl
Организаторы: Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU)
We are delighted to invite you to submit abstracts, attend and register for the largest world-wide conference dedicated to work related aggression and violence within the health and social services sector: the 6th International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector.
Please read the Abstract Submission Invitation and Guidance and the Abstract Submission Process before submitting your abstract electronically before the 1st of March 2018 by using the electronic submission form.
Work related aggression and violence within the health and social services sector is a major problem which diminishes the quality of working life for staff, compromises organizational effectiveness and ultimately impacts negatively on the provision and quality of care. These problems pervade both service settings and occupational groups. And according a recent discussion paper by the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) “Enough is enough” with the aim of putting a stop to violence in the health care sector.
Following five successful conferences, the 6th Violence in the Health Sector conference will be held in Toronto on 24 to 26 October 2018 on the theme “Advancing the Delivery of Positive Practice”. The objective of this conference is to provide a platform for all parties confronted with the phenomenon of violence in healthcare to develop and implement positive practice and proactively respond to this complex problem. Positive practice is defined here as practice sufficiently informed by capacities and technologies to minimize violence such that the central task of the healthcare service – delivering the best help to its users – can be achieved.
Specific objectives of the Sixth Conference
1. Enhance the understanding of facets of violence in the health sector – such as its root causes and patterns, the impact and consequences, successful strategies and initiatives – which can help advance the delivery of positive practice.
2. Learn more about resources such as policy and/or practice initiatives, tool-kits, and instruments which can help advance the delivery of positive practice.
You are invited to submit abstracts for one or more of the following presentation formats: Workshop of 90 minutes duration; Paper of 30 minutes duration (including discussion from the floor); or Poster presentation. Abstracts can be submitted online on the following conference sub-themes and can address one or more sub-themes.
1. Advancing the delivery of positive practice through understanding the causes and patterns of aggression/violence
Root causes and immediate causes of aggression or violence, including all manifestations, sources and perpetrators, and the characteristics of individuals experiencing the abuse. Aggression or violence toward staff or service users, including all manifestations of the abuse: verbal; physical and sexual; psychological including harassment and bullying; financial, organizational, legal and societal, irrespective of the source of abuse (staff, service user, co-worker, the system, patients and their families and friends).
2. Initiatives reducing aggression/violence to advance the delivery of positive practice
Creating cultures that minimize aggression and violence,
Reducing seclusion, restraint and coercive measures,
Engaging with multiple stakeholders in seeking and implementing solutions,
Providing education and training,
Designing quality safety and risk reduction initiatives,
Developing policy and guidance based on good practice.
3. Resources aiding the advancement and the delivery of positive practice
Policy initiatives,
Practice initiatives,
4. Managing the impact/consequences of aggression/violence to advance the delivery of positive practice
To develop positive practice by minimizing the impact in terms of physical injury, emotional and psychological sequelae, financial, service-related, professional, legal and ethical consequences.
5. Other themes
The Scientific Committee will consider other themes that are directly related to violence in the health sector AND to advancing the delivery of positive practice. These may include but are not limited to country-specific approaches to handling aggression/violence; the impact of domestic violence on the health care system; the use of the humanities in understanding aggression/violence; alternative/innovative paths to dealing with aggression/violence.
Веб-сайт конференции: http://oudconsultancy.nl/toronto_6_ICWV/violence/invitation-sixth.html