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7th Annual International Conference on Comparative Law: Evolution of Law

Опубликовано 14.11.2016 пользователем MasevaN.V

We strongly believe that comparative law is one of the best tools to study changes in law. Some say legal change is ideally evolutionary, however, this is not what we tend to observe in the legal landscapes in the recent months. Abrupt changes in law are not uncommon as history has shown us. The "(?!)" expresses our emotions towards extra-legal factors responsible for legal revolutions and legal earthquakes. This conference will enable the exchange of opinions on the evolutions, revolutions and regresses in legal systems and to ponder the pros and cons of gradual versus sudden change.

We invite papers from all disciplines of law (i.a. civil law, common law, conflict of law, constitutional law, labor law, criminal law, administrative law, theory of law, history of law). Papers should have a comparative angle and relate to the conference topic.

Веб-сайт: http://conference.prawoporownawcze.pl/
