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Authority: Questioning Power Structures within the Humanities and Beyond

Опубликовано 02.11.2017 пользователем MasevaN.V

Е-мейл Оргкомитета: gsearkansas@gmail.com

Организаторы: University of Arkansas

The theme of the 2018 GSE Conference is Authority, acknowledging and questioning power and authority within the humanities and beyond.

The authors of literary, artistic, social, cultural, pedagogical, and political texts and structures have always influenced, controlled, or revolutionized disciplines, epistemologies, methodologies, technologies, and institutions. Acts of powerful authorship, then, produce indelible historical moments that unsettle or problematize our understanding of what all literature, art, and theory can accomplish.

We envision this interdisciplinary conference to produce dynamic literary, cultural, and historical interpretations and critiques of texts from across the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences.

We welcome proposals for individual papers and encourage proposals for panels on the following aspects of authority in the humanities:

Inventing the canon
Questioning the center
The craft of writing fiction, poetry, or translation
Writing history
Theorizing power
Authorizing bodies and movement
Embodiment and the State
Dystopian authorities
Hegemony, subordination, and marginalization
Disruptive, innovative technologies
Dictatorships, oligarchies, and other authoritarian states
Segregating power
Protecting human rights
Unauthorized immigration, migrations, and diasporic experiences
Controlling images, stereotypes, and myths
Regulating reproductive rights

Of course, we welcome all creative and scholarly work on all aspects of authority in the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences.

Веб-сайт конференции: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2017/10/20/authority-questioning-power-structures-within-the-humanities-and-beyond
