Science and innovation This includes research that , for example , examine s different approaches to managing innovation processes ( e . g . open innovation, challenge prizes, etc.), models for technology transfer from universities (e.g. innovation vouchers, incentives for researchers, etc.), networks and collaboration (including peer - learning and networking capabilities), and different ways to accelerate scientific development. Other examples of topics of interest inclu de intellectual property, support for different forms of innovation (social, organisational, technological, etc . ) , development of innovation skills, infrastructure support for innovative companies and innovative procurement.
Entrepreneurship and business growth This includes for example a bstracts focusing on topics such as SME capacity development, the development of entrepreneurship ecosystems, stimulation of inclusiveness and diversity in entrepreneurship, access to skills and talent, and access to fina nce schemes. We are also interested in abstracts looking at investment readiness programmes, female entrepreneurship, the impact of accelerators (or other peer - based or cohort programmes) on entrepreneurial success, mentoring and advice for startups or SME s, local policies for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, and other business support schemes. T he topics described under each theme above are not exhaustive ; abstracts covering topics relating to the themes but not explicitly mentioned are also welcom e .