International Trade, Specialization and Growth – David Ricardo and the Contemporary Perspectives
Опубликовано 25.09.2017 пользователем MasevaN.V
This two day international conference brings together scholars from India and abroad to reflect on David Ricardo's path breaking contributions in trade and growth and its relevance in the current context. It proposes to celebrate 200th year of publication of David Ricardo's influential book: On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817). The book laid down comparative advantage as the most important cornerstone for free trade with implications for labour market, for distributional issues, and growth and prosperity. This conceptual breakthrough over Adam Smith motivated myriads of research papers and ideas and needs to be celebrated again in view of contemporary tendencies towards inward looking policies creating anti-globalization signals. The proposed conference shall bring together some of the most influential economists working on International Trade and Finance, not only to put Ricardo in the current socioeconomic and historical contexts, but also to enlighten on several new dimensions. The proposed conference shall engage with theoretical and analytical research papers on international trade of the highest quality. The call for participation is open to researchers with active interest in international trade and shall accommodate a limited number of best submissions.