IX International Scientific Conference
“Digital Transformation of the Economy: Challenges,
Trends and New Opportunities”
(devoted to the 90th anniversary of
Samara State University of Economics)
27st-29st April 2021
organized by
Samara State University of Economics, Russia
Our Partners:
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO University) &
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
& Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Digital technologies became particularly relevant during the pandemic, when a lot of organizations were forced to switch to a remote format of work. Most communications are also forced to be made in the electronic format. Therefore, the importance of research on the digital transformation of the socio-economic sphere is obvious and requires further development. Participants of the conference (scientists, practitioners, representatives of local governments) will try to find answers to questions related to this issue.
One of the main objectives of the conference is to share knowledge, experience, ideas and plans related to sustainable socio-economic development under the global digitalization and international cooperation between educational, governmental, scientific, and business structures in this context.
We expect that the conference participants from various countries, regions, organizations will present their views of the development perspectives of our society. Representatives of various professional fields, generations and cultural traditions will try to give their assessment of the ongoing changes, to discuss global, national, regional and local dimensions for the future development.
Samara, Soviet Army street, 141, 443090, SSEU
Conference thematic sections:
- Big Data Application in the Digital Economy: Legal, Technical and Economic Aspects;
- Data Generation and Exchange Platforms;
- Natural and Artificial Intelligence Use in Applied Tasks of Digital Economy;
- Modeling and Analysis of Infrastructure Projects;
- Intelligent Communications in the Digital Economy Context;
- Digital Strategies for Sustainable Development of Socio-Economic Systems;
- Digital Formats and New Requirements of Professional and Business Education.
All the paper should be submitted via the conference e-mail:
The paper template and the registration form will be available in Registration Section of the Conference website from March 1 2021.
Paper Submission is open from March 1, 2021 to April 1, 2021;
Paper should not exceed 7 (seven) pages limit;
All papers are reviewed in English only;
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference (originality rate – 95%);
Submitting a paper, the authors also send the registration form to the conference organizing committee, choosing the conference topic which the paper corresponds to;
Authors will be informed via email of acceptance or rejection of the paper before May 1, 2021.
If revisions are required, authors will be notified accordingly. The final camera ready paper should be submitted by May 15, 2021.
Paper Submission Deadline: April 1, 2021
Deadline for Registration: April 1, 2021
Date of Notification of Accepted Papers: May 1, 2021
Deadline for Submission of Revised Papers: May 15, 2021
will be available on the Conference website from April 15, 2021.
Organizing Committee:
Conference Chairman: Dr., Prof. Svetlana Ashmarina
Coordinator: Dr., Associate professor Anna Zotova
Coordinator: Dr., Associate professor Valentina Mantulenko
Marketing Department: Olga Pasternatskaya,
Technical Support: Dmitri Frantasov
Scientific Committee:
Dr., Prof. Svetlana Ashmarina, (Conference Chairman) (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Dr., Prof. Adelia Pavlova, (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Dr., Prof. Marek Vochozka, (Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice, School of Expertness and Valuation, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic)
Dr., Prof. Anabela Mesquita, (Porto Polytechnique Institute, Porto, Portugal)
Dr., Associate professor Irina Shvedova, (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Dr., Prof. Gennadiy Rozenberg, (Institute of Ecology of Volga basin of RAS, Tolyatti, Russia),
Prof. Radka Vanichkova (Institute of Technology and Business, Czech Budejovice, Czech Republic),
Dr., Prof. Sergey Bortnikov (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Dr., Prof. Natalia Lazareva (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Dr., Prof. Irina Belyaeva (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia),
Prof. Oxana Kogut (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan),
Prof. Tatiana Salimova (Ogarev Mordovia State University, Ogarev, Russia),
Prof. Vladimir Klimuk (Baranavichi State University, Baranavichi, Belarus),
Prof. Emil Velinov (Skoda Auto University, Mlada Bolelsav, Czech Republic, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, RISEBA University of Applied Science, Riga, Latvia),
Dr., Associate professor Elina Sidorenko, Director of Center for digital economy and financial innovation, Professor of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology (MGIMO),
Associate Professor Maxim Inozemtsev, Head of the head of the Directorate for research policy, (MGIMO),
Dr., Prof. T. Kramin, Vice-rector for corporate governance, Director of the research Institute for socio-economic development of the Kazan innovation University (IEPU),
Dr., Prof. O.V. Danilova, Professor of the corporate Finance Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Ph.D., Associate Professor Anna Zotova, (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia),
Ph.D., Associate Professor Valentina Mantulenko, (Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia).