Е-мейл Оргкомитета: utkphilgradconference@gmail.com
Организаторы: Philosophy Graduate Student Association, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Philosophy Graduate Student Association at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville invites abstracts from graduate students and post-doc scholars in relevant disciplines for its first annual conference, Justice Across Borders, to be held on the UTK campus, March 24-25, 2018. We are thrilled to welcome Professor Michael Blake(University of Washington) as this year's keynote speaker!
Abstracts may engage with any aspect of the relationship between state sovereignty and individual civil and moral rights on a global scale. While we will accept submissions on any topic pertaining to the existence or absence of duties of justice that transcend state boundaries, special priority will be extended to those projects which address this theoretical question through the applied lens of migration.
Some possible questions might include: whether there is a human right to free movement that necessitates open borders; whether the right to migration is a basic or derivative right; issues surrounding the rights and nature of refugees; whether state sovereignty places constraints on the purported right to movement and migration; whether distributive injustice generates ameliorative duties to accept immigrants; whether states (particularly developing and underdeveloped states) have a right to restrict emigration; questions surrounding climate change-induced migration, and questions concerning the rights of undocumented migrants.
More general topics might include: the nature of global and local citizenship and their relationship to one another; the requirements of democracy and democratic accountability and whether these apply to non-citizens; the relationship between globalization and domination of the least-advantaged; and whether global cooperation generates additional duties and obligations between states, or between states and non-citizens.
Abstracts of 500-750 words should be formatted for blind review and submitted via email to utkphilgradconference@gmail.com by January 10, 2018. Please include your name and disciplinary/institutional affiliation in the body of your email. Accepted presenters will be notified in early February. Full papers should be prepared for 30 minute presentations (with a short Q&A/discussion to follow).
Веб-сайт конференции: http://tiny.utk.edu/justiceacrossborders