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Western Economic Association International 93rd Annual Conference

Опубликовано 26.10.2017 пользователем MasevaN.V

93rd Annual Conference
Tuesday-Saturday, June 26-30, 2018 | Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, British Columbia, Canada

Keynote Addresses

Orley Ashenfelter, Princeton University, Presidential Address

President-Elect Featured Sessions

to be announced

Participating Allied Societies

WEAI Annual Conferences regularly include participation by Allied Societies. Allied Societies organize anywhere from just a few sessions to an entire conference including membership and board meetings. Whether your group is long-established or part of an emerging specialty, WEAI can help bring your members together and increase your visibility within the discipline. Questions? Call 714-965-8800 or e-mail sessions@weai.org for more information.

AEA Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP)
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University
International Banking, Economics and Finance Association (IBEFA)
Michael Koetter, Halle Institute for Economic Research, Germany
Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)
John Ifcher, Santa Clara University

Volunteer Program Participation

Present a Paper | Deadline December 15, 2017 -- submit online here
Confirmation/acceptance emails will go out in mid-February.
Requirements for submission (or submit online):

Abstract of 350 words or less including a statement of the research or policy question and the contribution made by the paper; as well as method(s), model(s) and, if applicable, relevant data including time frame and geographical scope; paper title; and paper topic area (three appropriate codes from the JEL Classification System).
Paper presenter's name, professional affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, academic degrees held; same information for coauthors.
Submission and registration are included in a single participation fee -- $220 for WEAI members, $290 for non-members, $125 for member students, and $160 for non-member students. Non-members are invited to join now and take advantage of the member savings! WEAI Institutional Member affiliates receive a 20 percent discount on conference participation fees.

Cancellations: On or before March 1, 50% of the participation fee is refundable. After March 1, the participation fee is non-refundable due to the high administrative cost of reorganizing the affected sessions and participants. Cancellations must be in writing and are subject to a $25 handling fee.

Discuss a Paper or Chair a Session | Deadline March 1, 2018 -- volunteer online here

Discuss a paper and give others the benefits of your expertise. Discussants are needed in all topic areas. Chair a session and foster the exchange of ideas. 

Organized Session Participation

Organize a Session | Deadline February 1, 2018 

Members may organize their own sessions. Participation fees are lower for all papers in organized sessions (no paper submission fee applies). WEAI members who are affiliated with a WEAI Institutional Member, and who organize a session, receive complimentary conference registration. For more information, read the Guidelines for Conference Session Organizers. For more information or to submit a session, contact sessions@weai.org.
