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World Business and Social Science Research Conference

Опубликовано 25.09.2017 пользователем MasevaN.V

Theoretical and empirical papers relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing are invited for the above international conference and for special March 2018 issues of some journals . We also invite manuscript relating to social sciences such as   Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Education, Computer Science, Anthropology, Philosophy and Journalism for the above international conference. All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted papers/abstracts will be published electronically and will be linked to Google Scholar.  This conference is organized by 13 -year old World Business Institute (see www.worldbizins.org), Australia. The institute has collaborative relation with many universities , institutions and publishers in the world , Outstanding papers will be published in 2018 issue of any of the three Journals such as International Review of Business Research Papers, Global Review of Accounting and Finance and World Journal of Management. There is no submission fee at all for outstanding papers.

Веб-сайт: http://www.wassco.org/
