We are happy to announce that Internation Conference on Entrepreneurial Competencies in a Changing World (ECCW 2021) will take place in Budweis (Czech Republic), on 24 November 2021.
Conference Proceedings 2021 will be sent for evaluation to Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics to be included into Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).
Increasing and maintaining the competitiveness of enterprises not only in connection with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Exchange of the latest knowledge to support the flexibility of companies and innovative practices, implemented in all primary and secondary functions of the company.
Form of participation:
Active participation
Passive (virtual) participation
Thematic Areas
General topic: Strengthening the competitiveness of start-ups and existing companies in the post-Covid-19 period in the field of:
- Economics
- Strategic management and decision making
- Human Resources SMEs
- Innovations
- Legislative-legal area
- Marketing
- Business ethics and Corporate social responsibility
Important Dates
by 3 October 2021
Deadline for submission of papers
by 15 November 2021
Deadline for submission of revised papers
by 20 November 2021
Final decision on paper acceptance, after the review prodecure
On 24 November 2021
The conference takes place
Website of Conference