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6th Annual International Summit Reinventing HR Summit
Е-мейл Оргкомитета: info@boc-uk.com
Организаторы: BOC Global Events Group
Join the Summit and learn the very latest disruptive and mind-blowing ideas from some of the truly innovative businesses and organisations from the EMEA region;
Delegates will not just hear about various game-changing HR initiatives, but will learn the step by step process of putting these lovely ideas into practice.
BOC had redesigned the entire summit to allow for much more rewarding and time efficient format, dominated by, inspiring insights, interactive workshops and peer to peer round table exchange sessions, designed to help you solve those pressing issues and seek possible new alternatives, solutions for your HR operations.
Веб-сайт конференции: http://boc-uk.com/conferences/emerging-markets-hr-summit/